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Collection and Array Mapping

Dozer automatically maps between collection types and automatically performs any type conversion. Each element in the source collection is mapped to an element in the dest object. Hints are used to specify what type of objects are created in the destination collection. The following collection mapping is automatically handled by Dozer: (These are all bi-directional)

  • List to List
  • List to Array
  • Array to Array
  • Set to Set
  • Set to Array
  • Set to List

Using Hints for Collection Mapping

Hints are not required if you are using JDK 1.5 Generics or Arrays because the types can be autodetected by Dozer. But if you are not using generics or Arrays, to convert a Collection/Array to a Collection/Array with different type objects you can specify a Hint to let Dozer know what type of objects you want created in the destination list. If a Hint is not specified for the destination field, then the destination Collection will be populated with objects that are the same type as the elements in the src Collection.

<!-- converting TheFirstSubClass List to 
     TheFirstSubClassPrime List --> 

Below is a summary of the mapping logic used when mapping Arrays, Sets, and Lists. This gives a breakdown of what happens when hints are or are not used.

  • List to List
    • Dest Hint req'd: NO
    • Dest Hint allowed: YES
    • If no dest hint specified: Dest list will contain the same data types in the source
    • If hint is speficied: Dest list will contain objects that match dest hint(s) type
  • Array to List
    • Dest Hint req'd: NO
    • Dest Hint allowed: YES
    • If no dest hint specified: Dest list will contain the same data types in the source
    • If hint is speficied: Dest list will contain objects that match dest hint(s) type
  • List to Array
    • Dest Hint req'd: NO
    • Dest Hint allowed: YES
    • If no dest hint specified: Dest array will contain data types defined by the array
    • If hint is speficied: Dest list will contain objects that match dest hint(s) type (only if Object Array)
  • Array to Array
    • Dest Hint req'd: NO
    • Dest Hint allowed: YES
    • If no dest hint specified: Dest array will contain data types defined by the array
    • If hint is speficied: Dest list will contain objects that match dest hint(s) type (only if Object Array)
  • Set to Set
    • Dest Hint req'd: NO
    • Dest Hint allowed: YES
    • If no dest hint specified: Dest list will contain the same data types in the source
    • If hint is speficied: Dest list will contain objects that match dest hint(s) type
  • Array to Set
    • Dest Hint req'd: NO
    • Dest Hint allowed: YES
    • If no dest hint specified: Dest list will contain the same data types in the source
    • If hint is speficied: Dest list will contain objects that match dest hint(s) type
  • Set to Array
    • Dest Hint req'd: NO
    • Dest Hint allowed: YES
    • If no dest hint specified: Dest array will contain data types defined by the array
    • If hint is speficied: Dest list will contain objects that match dest hint(s) type (only if Object Array)
  • List to Set
    • Dest Hint req'd: NO
    • Dest Hint allowed: YES
    • If no dest hint specified: Dest list will contain the same data types in the source
    • If hint is speficied: Dest list will contain objects that match dest hint(s) type
  • Set to List
    • Dest Hint req'd: NO
    • Dest Hint allowed: YES
    • If no dest hint specified: Dest list will contain the same data types in the source
    • If hint is speficied: Dest list will contain objects that match dest hint(s) type

Using JDK 1.5 Generics for Collection Mapping

Hints are not required when JDK 1.5 Generics are used. To convert a Collection/Array to a Collection/Array with different type objects dozer can determine parameterized types at runtime.

public class UserGroup {

  private Set<User> users;

  public Set<User> getUsers() {
    return users;

  public void setUsers(Set<User> aUsers) {
    users = aUsers;

public class UserGroupPrime {

  private List<UserPrime> users;

  public List<UserPrime> getUsers() {
    return users;

  public void setUsers(List<UserPrime> aUsers) {
    users = aUsers;


Object Array to List (bi-directional)

When converting an Object array to a List, by default the destination List will contain the same data type as the source Array.

<!-- changing an Integer [] to List and back again -->

Use a hint for data type conversion. Because a hint is specified, the destination List will contain String elements instead of Integers.

<!-- changing an Integer [] to List and back again -->

Primitive Array to Primitive Array (bi-directional)

When converting an Object array to an Array, by default the destination Array will contain the same data type as the source Array.

<!-- converting int[] to int [] by name only --> 

Cumulative vs. Non-Cumulative List Mapping (bi-directional)

If you are mapping to a Class which has already been initialized, dozer will either 'add' or 'update' objects to your List. If your List or Set already has objects in it dozer checks the mapped List, Set, or Array and calls the contains() method to determine if it needs to 'add' or 'update'. This is determined using the relationship-type attribute on the field tag. The default is 'cumulative'. relationship-type can be specifed at the field mapping, class mapping, or global configuration level.

global configuration level....


class mapping level....

  <mapping relationship-type="non-cumulative">

field mapping level....

<!-- objects will always be added to an existing List --> 
<field relationship-type="cumulative">

<!-- objects will updated if already exist in List, 
     added if they are not present -->
<field relationship-type="non-cumulative">

Note: if you do not define custom equals() and hashCode() methods non-cumulative option will not function properly, as Dozer will fail to determine object equality and will rely on JDK generated object Ids. In default case two instances of a class are always treated as different and update will not occure.

Removing Orphans

Orphans are elements which exist in a destination collection that did not exist within the source collection. Dozer will remove orphans by calling the 'remove' method on actual orphans of the underlying destination collection; it will not clear all. To determine elements which are orphans dozer uses the contains() method to check if the results contains orphans. The default setting value is false.

<!-- orphan objects will always be removed from an existing 
     destination List --> 
<field remove-orphans="true">